As there was no underwater archaeological sites database available in Hong Kong, we begun the work of compiling one through analysing and consolidating data for almost 300 Hong Kong sites in a wrecks database from the United Kingdom’s Hydrographic Office (UKHO). We have also investigated literature, old maps and newspapers, and sought knowledge about other sites of archaeological interest from divers and members of the community, as well as through interviews with government representatives and scholars of the field and shall continue to do so. All these sites were catalogued and presented as a spatial database, using acquired digital maps.
Based on the above research, we have selected two (and more in future if practical) underwater heritage sites on which to conduct non-disturbance surveys - a shipwreck site and a non-shipwreck site, two main underwater site types in the HKSAR. The surveys have documented the nature, extent and condition of the archaeological remains, which will help describe the sites to readers (researchers, the community, industry and government) and provide for a better understanding of their value and need for site preservation and further research.
A licence from the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) was obtained to conduct this survey, and Dr Jeffery lead the fieldwork, which was completed in 2011.